Adult (+18)

Man With Two Penises Has Published A Memoir With An Amazing Title!

Man with two penises publishes a memoir
Well, he's published a memoir!
The non-fiction NSFW book is called Double Header: My Life With Two Penises, and the author still retains his anonymity. But it turns out he's a totally awesome guy! Under his pen name, Diphallic Dude, based on the condition he has, called diphallia, he did an interview with Rolling Stone, and it was great!
He talks about what life has been like, following his Reddit AMA, and while most of what he has to say is NSFW, it's also inspiring and entertaining!
Here are some of the HIGHlights:
On helping people:
"Before I was 'DoubleD*ckDude,' no one cared about what I had to say. Since then, I've been able to help people who felt alone or lost. I've gotten so many messages from people who need encouragement for one thing or another. With so much negativity in the world, the ability to bring something positive to the table is a great feeling."
On why he wrote the book:
"There are still a few questions that come through that weren't asked before, and I realized that there are still people who are genuinely curious. From girls who want to know how to handle their boyfriend being uncircumcised to guys wanting to know if they're gay or bisexual because my equipment turned them on. Really, it just stuns me almost a year later that people are still reaching out to me. So I thought I should put a book together and use that to answer questions; but also give voice to people who might feel lost in the cracks. Even today bisexual people like myself are given more grief than you'd realize. We're still "confused" or "cowards," "too afraid to admit we're gay." Which is a load of crap."
On the proceeds from his book:
"As for book profits, I signed away the rights to the Kindle version of my book to the editor and released all profits to them as well. I knew that by having another person handle it, they could potentially face some negativity for taking the time to be kind to me and help me put my thoughts and feelings to "print." So I felt the only decent thing to do would be to give them all the profit in exchange for taking that risk."
On his 2015 advice:
"The next time you feel like being a jerk to someone, don't. The next time someone pissed you off and you're about to cuss them out, don't. Let it go. Just remember we all have feelings. So when someone hurts your feelings, remember, they're hurting too. We've got to work together if we're going to keep this place from crashing down around our shoulders."
See?! He's awesome!!!
We wish Diphallic Dude lots of success with his mission to help people through his own remarkable story!
[Image via Tumblr.]

Happy 18th Birthday, Lorde! Here Are 9 New Things The Royals Singer Can Do Now That She's An Adult In The U.S.!

Happy 18th birthday, Lorde!
Let's face it. In just 17 years on this planet, Lorde has already managed to accomplish way more than most of us ever will in our ENTIRE lives!
She's won Grammys! She's headlined major music festivals! She's BFFs withTaylor Swift! Heck, she even had her very own episode of South Park dedicated JUST to her!
However, now that she's FINALLY 18, there are so many more things she can legally do here in the U.S.!
Of course, being a world famous pop star who tours around the globe, Lorde is bound to see the rules vary from country to country!
But here are a few new things Lorde can now officially do whenever she visits good ole 'Murica!!

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham Writing A Book That Will Put 'Adult Industry On Blast!'

farrah abraham writing a book that will put adult industry on blast
Everyone listen up! Christmas has come early!!!
Farrah Abraham is writing a book!!!
And it's not the 50 Shades of Grey inspired one we thought she was writing!!!
Nope — this one will apparently be about the knowledge acquired by the Teen Mom's time in the adult film industry.
And her musings will not be sympathetic!!
Here's what she tweeted:
If someone went ahead and tried to contain our excitement, we guarantee that person would fail epically! Because we're super pumped!
We're being serious, too. We really want to hear what Farrah has to say that's going to put the adult film industry on "blast!"
Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!

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